Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Guess Who's Home

Yeah, I've been back in Ohio for about a week now and things are pretty much like I expected them to be. I am always tired, cold, and stressed but thats how life here is during the winter.

The snow was nice.....for about an hour. After that I just realized just why I love to leave here for the winter.

People ask me how I can leave for three months without missing anything experiences or losing friendships. Well the truth is that nothing happens in Bainbridge, Ohio during the winter and everything is exactly the same when I return. The only change is that people are much whiter with a tint of blue from their veins visible trough the skin. hahah Im sorry but it is true.

School is rediculous. I only find it inconveinent that I have to wake up and drive a couple hundred feet before I can go back to sleep in any of my four extremely easy classes. I guess I'll have to deal with it though.