Although the popularity of the event has spread rapidly over the last few years, there has been a few accidents in which don't seem to bother the skydivers too much. Last year, there were several account of misguided divers landing far away from the landing site, often in the ocean. There was one man whose parachute did not open for some reason and he fell to ocean just infront of my house shattering every bone in his body, killing him upon impact and leaving a tangled mess of bones and flesh.
With the event just beggining a few days ago, there has already been an accident. A man was coming in for his landing right on target when he made a horrible mistake. Coming in way too close to the electric lines he hit them with his lower body. He fell 40 feet down to the ground onto his head and neck causing sparks on the power line and knocking the power out for northen Ambergris. His condition is unknown as of now.

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